Monday, September 8, 2014

To London we go.

We have had this cruise to the Mediterranean on our list for several years now but it's finally happening! We flew over to Vancouver this afternoon and will connect with our British Airways flight to London (LHR). We are using passes as an airline employee so one must be flexible.... and have patience! 

It begins with art.
Our hope is to get to London, check in to our airport hotel and blast downtown and take in the great London ambiance!

Update: Well that is pretty much exactly what happened! Made our flight no problem with a flying time of 8:12 to London's Heathrow Airport.  Grabbed the local free bus and checked in at the hotel in very short order. We changed clothes and headed back to Terminal 3 to catch the Express train into London. 15 minutes later we disembarked at Paddington Station and walked the streets of London town. The 8 hour time change coupled with the flight time takes us into Tuesday afternoon :-)

Express train to downtown London.
 We strolled through Hyde Park and worked our way allong Oxford Street to one of Kelly's favorite places Marks & Spencers.
Hyde Park
A quick pub stop at The Iron Duke for some cool drinks and a snack to hold us until dinner later.
Kelly loves the half pint of Guinness. Too small for me :-)
Lots of exotic cars dot the London landscape.
After a thorough walk about, we headed to Paddington Station and our return Express Train back out to the airport hotel. A quick stop for dinner at the Three Magpies pub and we called it "done".

Off to Southampton in the morning.

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