Thursday, September 11, 2014

No rental for you!!

Day #4 - Thursday

Up at 7 for showers and to do my monthly bid for October flying back at home. Don't really want to think of work right now but it's an important lifestyle requirement :-)

We grabbed a cab and headed to the Thrifty Car Rental to pick up our auto. Turns out that in order to rent a car you need to present your passport and travel documents! We have rented cars in Argentina, South Africa and other places and never had to do this before. (We had left these documents back at the hotel) I will say we left none too happy :-(

We walked into town and decided to get a Starbucks and come up with plan "B". Kelly looked through the car rental agreement and in the small print legal ease on page 2 it did said you need these very documents. Who knew?  Oh well... Learn something everyday. 

We found a geocache at the end of the pier and then walked up High Street and found The Standing Order Pub. Good breakfast and nice place to enjoy it.

A few more caches along the Titanic Walk as we headed towards the SeaCity Museum to look at the history of the Titanic. 

The engineers monument to those that lost their lives on the ship.

Outside the SeaCity Museum
We wandered back down towards the Town Quay and took the small passenger ferry over to the town of Hythe. A short 15 minute ride and we arrived at the dock. We then took a small train 2100' feet down the Hythe pier to the town center.
Hythe Pier Train
The shops of Hythe.
St John's Church in Hythe.
A very nice stroll through the quaint shops towards another geocache:-) and then a walk along the waterway through Grove Garden Park.  Very nice place to relax on the waterfront.
Grove Garden
By this time our feet needed a bit of a rest so into The Lord Nelson pub for a sit down & pint. The chipper was just down the way so we had some fish & chips for our dinner before taking the train/ferry combo back to Southampton. 

We walked up the High Street once again and decided that the walk would do us good after the Chipper so 20 minutes later we arrived back at the Blue Keys Hotel.

Drinks, blogging and relaxing filled the remainder of the day.... oh and I found out that I had inadvertently pocket dialed my daughter in Canada... 5 minutes of airtime wasted... sheesh.

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